Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Change of Chanel Trademark

BBR Simmons Taber said sales director: "Chateau Rauzan Segla sales in the Chinese market has been very good, and to make Chanel logo trademark will increase sales."

Of course, Lagerfeld is not the first time, drink wine as a designer, recently he designed as a limited edition Collector's Edition Diet Coke bottle, the bottle body with neat silhouette Lagerfeld: suit and tie, sign cauda equina, and handsome signature pink cap. Moreover, it was Lagerfeld for the 1998 Dom Perignon champagne years created the image of pink champagne, and creative shot fairy tale love story for the ultimate in modern elegance of the ads.

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Chanel Group in 1994 bought the Chateau Rauzan Segla, Sandrine Begaud winery, said public relations manager, is still not 100% sure from the Lagerfeld-designed wine labels, but said: "This year is the anniversary of the birth of 350 wineries, and we do our best to this particular days to design new things, wine label design is only an idea, is still not set. "

May 2011, according to well-known London wine merchants Berry Bros & Rudd wine revealed that this year is the Chateau Rauzan Segla (the left bank of Bordeaux, France, 1855 Chateau II) 350 anniversary, to commemorate this grand day, will pull the German fashion designer Guffy Stewart to design the wine label.

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Lagerfeld's trademark in China has been attractive, and now Chanel leather, jewelry, consumer products in the world's fastest growing customers, second only to luxury brand LV. With the growing importance of Asian markets, Chanel trademark is expected to open the Chinese market successfully.

LehmanBrown view: With the improvement of living standards, things around him, the requirements are also rising. Wine label design innovation has become an important means of marketing the wine, this series of innovations from the New World countries have begun to spread to the Old World. Even the most traditional wine Chateau deeply aware that her unchangeable packaging will become a stumbling block to their development. New design ideas emerging from the printing, paper, designed to comprehensively improve. Now the quality of the wine market is not the only factor to attract consumers, people in the consumption but also hope that the visual impact. Ling Lang everywhere in the wine market, wine is what makes you stand out? Many countries have used their bold new world in line with market demand for the various wine label design caught the attention of consumers, and has been successful. Old World countries, including the traditional Chateau wine began to realize this point. Be aware of this, the brewery will be asked to capture the market traders. We see that in October last year, Fort Rafi wine bottle announced the year 2008 carved on the Chinese number "eight", the results of the vintage price inflation of 20% per case overnight. The exchange of two wineries Ch.Durfort vivens objective is amazing, and now at the turn of the dew fairy song Lagerfeld invited to design high-priced wine labels, it is expected ah. Global market needs, the Chinese market more needs.

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